Use of Linking verb - Is, Am, Are

He, she, It, Name Singular Number ----- is

You, We, They, Plural Number ----- are

I ----- am

Ramu is a farmer.

राम एक किसान है । 

Mohan is a principal.

मोहन एक अध्यापक है ।

Oranges are sour.

संतरे खट्टे है ।

Mango is very sweet.

आम बहुत मीठे है ।

I am a scout.

मैं एक स्काउट हुँ।

Suman is a good girl.

सुमन एक अच्छी लड़की है ।

These books are dirty

ये पुस्तके गंदी है ।

His clothes are clean.

उसके कपड़े साफ है ।

I am very hungry.

मैं भूखा हुँ ।

Dogs are on the road.

कुत्ते सड़क पर है । 

My car is white.

मेरी कार सफेद है ।

They are in the school.

वे विद्यालय में है ।

I am on roof.

मैं छत पर हूँ ।

Sheela is beautiful.

शीला सुंदर है ।

He is blind.

वह अंधा है ।

They are honest.

वे ईमानदार है ।

I am healthy.

मैं स्वस्थ हूँ ।

Pencil is red.

कलम लाल है ।

Father is old

पिताजी बूढे है ।

Dogs are black

कुत्ते काले है ।

Sohan is ill

सोहन बीमार है ।

You are healthy

तुम स्वस्थ हुँ ।

I am singer

मैं गायक हुँ ।

The dog is alive

कुत्ता जिंदा है ।

She is a beautiful girl

वह एक सुंदर लड़की है ।

I am a student.

मैं विद्यार्थी हुँ ।

They are players

वे खिलाड़ी है

You are my friend.

तुम मेरे मित्र हो ।

I am your friend.

मैं तुम्हारा दोस्त हुँ ।